phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.hypertreelist.TreeListItem

This class holds all the information and methods for every single item in HyperTreeList.


Subclassed from GenericTreeItem.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class TreeListItem:

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary


Default class constructor.


Deletes the item children.


Deletes the window associated to the item (if any).


Returns the associated background colour


Returns the current item image.


Returns the item image for a particular item state.


Returns the item text label.


Returns the x position of the item text.


Returns the window associated to the item.


Returns whether the window associated with an item is enabled or not.


Returns the associated window size.


HitTest method for an item. Called from the main window HitTest.


Returns whether the item is enabled or not.


Returns whether the item is expanded or not.


Handles the wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS event for a window associated to an item.


Sets the associated background colour


Sets the item image for a particular item state.


Sets the item text label.


Sets the x position of the item text. Used internally to position


Sets the window associated to the item. Internal use only.


Sets whether the window associated with an item is enabled or not.

api Class API

class TreeListItem(GenericTreeItem)

This class holds all the information and methods for every single item in HyperTreeList.


Subclassed from GenericTreeItem.


__init__(self, mainWin, parent, text="", ct_type=0, wnd=None, image=-1, selImage=-1, data=None)

Default class constructor. For internal use: do not call it in your code!

  • mainWin – the main HyperTreeList window, in this case an instance of TreeListMainWindow;

  • parent – the tree item parent (may be None for root items);

  • text – the tree item text;

  • ct_type – the tree item kind. May be one of the following integers:

    ct_type Value



    A normal item


    A checkbox-like item


    A radiobutton-type item

  • wnd – if not None, a non-toplevel window to be displayed next to the item;

  • image – an index within the normal image list specifying the image to use for the item in unselected state;

  • selImage – an index within the normal image list specifying the image to use for the item in selected state; if image > -1 and selImage is -1, the same image is used for both selected and unselected items;

  • data – associate the given Python object data with the item.


Regarding radiobutton-type items (with ct_type = 2), the following approach is used:

  • All peer-nodes that are radiobuttons will be mutually exclusive. In other words, only one of a set of radiobuttons that share a common parent can be checked at once. If a radiobutton node becomes checked, then all of its peer radiobuttons must be unchecked.

  • If a radiobutton node becomes unchecked, then all of its child nodes will become inactive.

DeleteChildren(self, tree)

Deletes the item children.


tree – the main TreeListMainWindow instance.

DeleteWindow(self, column=None)

Deletes the window associated to the item (if any).


column – if not None, an integer specifying the column index. If it is None, the main column index is used.

GetBackgroundColour(self, column=0)

Returns the associated background colour

:param column an integer specifying the column index.

GetCurrentImage(self, column=None)

Returns the current item image.


column – if not None, an integer specifying the column index. If it is None, the main column index is used.

GetImage(self, which=wx.TreeItemIcon_Normal, column=None)

Returns the item image for a particular item state.

  • which – can be one of the following bits:

    Item State



    To get the normal item image


    To get the selected item image (i.e. the image which is shown when the item is currently selected)


    To get the expanded image (this only makes sense for items which have children - then this image is shown when the item is expanded and the normal image is shown when it is collapsed)


    To get the selected expanded image (which is shown when an expanded item is currently selected)

  • column – if not None, an integer specifying the column index. If it is None, the main column index is used.

GetText(self, column=None)

Returns the item text label.


column – if not None, an integer specifying the column index. If it is None, the main column index is used.


Returns the x position of the item text.

GetWindow(self, column=None)

Returns the window associated to the item.


column – if not None, an integer specifying the column index. If it is None, the main column index is used.

GetWindowEnabled(self, column=None)

Returns whether the window associated with an item is enabled or not.


column – if not None, an integer specifying the column index. If it is None, the main column index is used.

GetWindowSize(self, column=None)

Returns the associated window size.


column – if not None, an integer specifying the column index. If it is None, the main column index is used.

HitTest(self, point, theCtrl, flags, column, level)

HitTest method for an item. Called from the main window HitTest.

  • point – the point to test for the hit (an instance of wx.Point);

  • theCtrl – the main TreeListMainWindow tree;

  • flags – a bitlist of hit locations;

  • column – an integer specifying the column index;

  • level – the item’s level inside the tree hierarchy.

See also

TreeListMainWindow.HitTest() method for the flags explanation.


A 3-tuple of (item, flags, column). The item may be None.


Returns whether the item is enabled or not.


True if the item is enabled, False if it is disabled or hidden.


Returns whether the item is expanded or not.


True if the item is expanded, False if it is collapsed or hidden.

OnSetFocus(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS event for a window associated to an item.


event – a FocusEvent event to be processed.

SetBackgroundColour(self, colour, column=0)

Sets the associated background colour


colour – a valid wx.Colour instance.

:param integer column

SetImage(self, column, image, which)

Sets the item image for a particular item state.

  • column – if not None, an integer specifying the column index. If it is None, the main column index is used;

  • image – an index within the normal image list specifying the image to use;

  • which – the item state.

See also

GetImage for a list of valid item states.


Call SetItemImage instead to refresh the tree properly.

SetText(self, column, text)

Sets the item text label.

  • column – if not None, an integer specifying the column index. If it is None, the main column index is used;

  • text – a string specifying the new item label.


Call SetItemText instead to refresh the tree properly.

SetTextX(self, text_x)

Sets the x position of the item text. Used internally to position text according to column alignment.


text_x – the x position of the item text.

SetWindow(self, wnd, column=None)

Sets the window associated to the item. Internal use only.

  • wnd – a non-toplevel window to be displayed next to the item;

  • column – if not None, an integer specifying the column index. If it is None, the main column index is used.


Always use SetItemWindow instead to update the tree properly.

SetWindowEnabled(self, enable=True, column=None)

Sets whether the window associated with an item is enabled or not.

  • enableTrue to enable the associated window, False to disable it;

  • column – if not None, an integer specifying the column index. If it is None, the main column index is used.