phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.xlsgrid

XLSGrid is a class based on grid.Grid that can be used to faithfully reproduce the appearance of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (one worksheet per every instance of XLSGrid).


XLSGrid is a class based on grid.Grid that can be used to faithfully reproduce the appearance of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (one worksheet per every instance of XLSGrid).

XLSGrid is a completely owner-drawn control, and it relies on the power of grid.PyGridTableBase and grid.PyGridCellRenderer to draw the cell content. For this reasons (and for some others, see the TODOs section), it will work efficiently only for relatively small Excel files.


XLSGrid requires the xlrd package from:

Minimum version requirement for xlrd is 0.7.1. If you wish to have support for hyperlinks inside cells and rich text content, you need the SVN version of xlrd.


On Windows, it is strongly recommended to install Mark Hammonds’ pywin32 package:

This will allow you to perfectly reproduce the appearance of the Excel worksheet in your instance of XLSGrid.


If Mark Hammonds’ pywin32 package is not available, the formatting capabilities of XLSGrid are severely limited; for instance, you won’t probably get the exact WYSIWYG between the Excel spreadsheet and XLSGrid.


XLSGrid can only read Excel xls files, not the newer versions xlsx generated by Office 2007/2010. If you have a xlsx file, you will need to save it in 1997-2003 Office compatibility mode.

Currently this class provides a read-only subclass of grid.Grid, with the following formatting features already implemented:

  • Cell background: support for any cell background colour and fill pattern (hatching) in the Excel default set. There currently is no support for gradient shading inside a cell as xlrd doesn’t report this information.

  • Cell borders: support for all the border types and colours exposed by Excel (left, top, bottom, right and diagonal borders, thin, double, thick, etc… line styles).

  • Cell text: support for all kind of fonts (except strikethrough, but this is a bug in wxWidgets), and font colours. As a subset of text/font capabilities, XLSGrid supports the following features found in Excel:

    • Horizontal alignment: left, right, centered, left-indented;

    • Vertical alignment: left, right, centered;

    • Text direction: left-to-right or right-to-left;

    • Text-wrapping: wrapping long texts inside a grid cell;

    • Shrink-to-fit: text font is reduced until the text can fit in a one-line inside the grid cell;

    • Text rotation: text can be rotated from +90 to -90 degrees.

  • Cell rich text (new in version 0.2): support for strings containing partial bold, italic and underlined text, change of font inside a string etc… Cells with rich text content can not be multi-line and they will not honour the shrink-to-fit and wrapping settings.

  • Cell text appearance: if you are using Mark Hammonds’ pywin32 package, the text displayed in the XLSGrid cells has exactly the same appearance as in the Excel spreadsheet.

  • Cell comments (notes): if you are using Mark Hammonds’ pywin32 package, cell comments (notes) are extracted and you will see a small red triangle at the top-right corner of any cell containing a comment. Hovering with the mouse on that cell will pop-up a “comment-window” displaying the comment text (the comment window is based on lib.agw.supertooltip).

  • Cell hyperlinks: starting from version 0.7.2 (SVN), xlrd is capable of extracting hyperlinks from Excel cells. This will be appropriately displayed in XLSGrid with a cursor changing and a tooltip on that cell.

  • Cell merging: merged cells in the Excel spreadsheet will be correctly handled by XLSGrid.

  • Columns and rows sizes: XLSGrid calculates the correct rows and columns sizes based on the Excel reported values in characters. The calculations are based on the default width of the text in 1/256 of the width of the zero character, using default Excel font (first FONT record in the Excel file).

And a lot more. Check the demo for an almost complete review of the functionalities.


Sample usage:

import wx
import xlrd
import os

import xlsgrid as XG

class MyFrame(wx.Frame):

    def __init__(self):

        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, "XLSGrid Demo", size=(1000, 800))

        filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "Excel", "Example_1.xls")
        sheetname = "Example_1"

        book = xlrd.open_workbook(filename, formatting_info=1)

        sheet = book.sheet_by_name(sheetname)
        rows, cols = sheet.nrows, sheet.ncols

        comments, texts = XG.ReadExcelCOM(filename, sheetname, rows, cols)

        xls_grid = XG.XLSGrid(self)
        xls_grid.PopulateGrid(book, sheet, texts, comments)

# our normal wxApp-derived class, as usual

app = wx.App(0)

frame = MyFrame(None)



Please note that you have to pass the keyword formatting_info to the method xlrd.open_workbook to obtain the cell formatting.


  1. XLSGrid is sufficiently efficient and fast for reasonably small Excel files. There might be some improvement to be made in the code to make it work with bigger files and in a faster way;

  2. grid.Grid seems to completely redraw itself at every resize event, even if the cell content has not changed and it has not been damaged (this seems to be fixed in wxPython;

  3. There is currently no support for strikethrough fonts, although xlrd correctly reports this format. The issue is a bug in wxWidgets itself which doesn’t allow the creation of strikethrough fonts (

Supported Platforms

XLSGrid has been tested on the following platforms:
  • Windows (Windows Vista and 7);

Window Styles

No particular window styles are available for this class.

Events Processing

No custom events are available for this class.

License And Version

XLSGrid is distributed under the wxPython license.

Latest Revision: Andrea Gavana @ 27 Dec 2012, 21.00 GMT

Version 0.4

function_summary Functions Summary


Creates a copy of the input font.


Reads and Excel spreadsheet (a single worksheet) using Mark Hammonds’ pywin32


Splits a general float on thousands. GIGO on general input.

class_summary Classes Summary


A simple class that holds a COM interface to Excel.


This is a subclass of SuperToolTip and it is used to display a


This is a class which holds information about the cell background, in terms


This is a class which holds information about a single cell border, in terms


This is a factory class which holds information about all the borders in a


This is a class which holds information about a single cell in XLSGrid.


This is a class which holds information about the content of the “comment


XLSGrid is a class based on grid.Grid that can be used to faithfully


This class is responsible for actually drawing the cell in the grid.


This is a class which holds information about the cell content, in terms


The almost abstract base class for grid tables.


This is a class which holds information about the cell content, in terms



Creates a copy of the input font.


font – an instance of wx.Font.

ReadExcelCOM(filename, sheetname, rows, cols)

Reads and Excel spreadsheet (a single worksheet) using Mark Hammonds’ pywin32 package. If this package is not available, it returns two empty nested lists.

  • filename – a valid Excel xls filename;

  • sheetname – the worksheet name inside the Excel file (i.e., the label on the workbook tab at the bottom of the workbook);

  • rows – the number of significant rows in the worksheet, as returned by xlrd;

  • cols – the number of significant columns in the worksheet, as returned by xlrd.


two nested lists representing the comments (notes) on every cell and the WYSIWYG representation of the cell content.


If Mark Hammonds’ pywin32 package is not available, this method returns two empty nested lists.

SplitThousands(s, tSep=', ', dSep='.')

Splits a general float on thousands. GIGO on general input.

  • s – can be a float or a string, representing a number;

  • tSep – the character to be used as thousands separator;

  • dSep – the character to be used as decimal separator.


a string properly formatted with thousands and decimal separators in it.


This method is used only if Mark Hammonds’ pywin32 package is not available to try and format a number in an intelligent way.