is a class that mimics the behaviour of TipWindow
and generic tooltip
windows, although it is a custom-drawn widget.
is a class that mimics the behaviour of TipWindow
and generic tooltip
windows, although it is a custom-drawn widget.
This class supports:
Blended triple-gradient for the tooltip background;
Header text and header image, with possibility to set the header font independently;
Footer text and footer image, with possibility to set the footer font independently;
Multiline text message in the tooltip body, plus an optional image as “body image”;
Bold lines and hyperlink lines in the tooltip body;
A wide set of predefined drawing styles for the tooltip background;
Drawing of separator lines after the header and/or before the footer;
Rounded corners and shadows below the tooltip window (Windows XP only);
Fade in/fade out effects (Windows XP only);
User-settable delays for the delay after which the tooltip appears and the delay after which the tooltip is destroyed.
And a lot more. Check the demo for an almost complete review of the functionalities.
Usage example:
import wx
import wx.lib.agw.supertooltip as STT
class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, "SuperToolTip Demo")
panel = wx.Panel(self)
button = wx.Button(panel, -1, "I am the SuperToolTip target", pos=(100, 50))
tip = STT.SuperToolTip("A nice tooltip message")
tip.SetHeader("Hello World")
tip.ApplyStyle("Office 2007 Blue")
# our normal wxApp-derived class, as usual
app = wx.App(0)
frame = MyFrame(None)
has been tested on the following platforms:Windows (Windows XP).
No particular window styles are available for this class.
No custom events are available for this class.
is distributed under the wxPython license.
Latest Revision: Andrea Gavana @ 04 Feb 2013, 21.00 GMT
Version 0.5
Extract the link from an hyperlink line. |
Returns the predefined styles keywords. |
Makes a font bold. Utility method. |
The main class for |
A simple |
Base class for the different Windows and Mac implementation. |
Extract the link from an hyperlink line.
line – the line of text to be processed.
Returns the predefined styles keywords.
Makes a font bold. Utility method.
font – the font to be made bold.