phoenix_title wx.propgrid.BoolProperty

Basic property with boolean value.

Supported special attributes:

  • PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX: Set to True to use check box editor instead of combo box.

  • PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING: Set to True to cycle combo box instead showing the list.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class BoolProperty:

method_summary Methods Summary



Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property.


Converts integer (possibly a choice selection) into Variant value appropriate for this property.


Converts text into Variant value appropriate for this property.


Converts property value into a text representation.

api Class API

class wx.propgrid.BoolProperty(PGProperty)

Possible constructors:

BoolProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=False)

Basic property with boolean value.


__init__(self, label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=False)
  • label (string) –

  • name (string) –

  • value (bool) –

DoSetAttribute(self, name, value)

Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property.

  • name (string) –

  • value (PGVariant) –

Return type:



Return False to have the attribute automatically stored in m_attributes. Default implementation simply does that and nothing else.


To actually set property attribute values from the application, use wx.propgrid.PGProperty.SetAttribute instead.

IntToValue(self, number, argFlags=0)

Converts integer (possibly a choice selection) into Variant value appropriate for this property.

  • number (int) – Integer to be translated into variant.

  • argFlags (int) – If PG_FULL_VALUE is set, returns complete, storable value instead of displayable one.

Return type:



( bool, variant )


  • If property is not supposed to use choice or spinctrl or other editor with int-based value, it is not necessary to implement this method.

  • Default implementation simply assign given int to m_value.

  • If property uses choice control, and displays a dialog on some choice items, then it is preferred to display that dialog in IntToValue instead of OnEvent.

  • You might want to take into account that m_value is Mull variant if property value is unspecified (which is usually only case if you explicitly enabled that sort behaviour).

StringToValue(self, text, argFlags=0)

Converts text into Variant value appropriate for this property.

  • text (string) – Text to be translated into variant.

  • argFlags (int) – If PG_FULL_VALUE is set, returns complete, storable value instead of displayable one (they may be different). If PG_COMPOSITE_FRAGMENT is set, text is interpreted as a part of composite property string value (as generated by ValueToString called with this same flag).

Return type:


You might want to take into account that m_value is Null variant if property value is unspecified (which is usually only case if you explicitly enabled that sort behaviour).


( bool, variant )


Default implementation converts semicolon delimited tokens into child values. Only works for properties with children.

ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0)

Converts property value into a text representation.

  • value (PGVariant) – Value to be converted.

  • argFlags (int) – If 0 (default value), then displayed string is returned. If PG_FULL_VALUE is set, returns complete, storable string value instead of displayable. If PG_EDITABLE_VALUE is set, returns string value that must be editable in textctrl. If PG_COMPOSITE_FRAGMENT is set, returns text that is appropriate to display as a part of string property’s composite text representation.

Return type:



Default implementation calls GenerateComposedValue .