phoenix_title wx.lib.pubsub.utils.notification.NotifyByWriteFile

Print a message to stdout when a notification is received.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class NotifyByWriteFile:

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary


Will write to stdout unless fileObj given. Will use



Called when a listener has been garbage collected.


Called whenever a topic is removed from topic tree.


Called whenever a new topic is added to the topic tree.


Called multiple times during a sendMessage: once before message


Called when a listener is subscribed to a topic.


Called when a listener is unsubscribed from given topic.

api Class API

class NotifyByWriteFile(INotificationHandler)

Print a message to stdout when a notification is received.


__init__(self, fileObj = None, prefix = None)

Will write to stdout unless fileObj given. Will use defaultPrefix as prefix for each line output, unless prefix specified.

changeFile(self, fileObj)

notifyDeadListener(self, pubListener, topicObj)

Called when a listener has been garbage collected. :param pubListener: the pubsub.core.Listener that wraps GC’d listener. :param topicObj: the pubsub.core.Topic object it was subscribed to.

notifyDelTopic(self, topicName)

Called whenever a topic is removed from topic tree. :param topicName: name of topic removed.

notifyNewTopic(self, topicObj, description, required, argsDocs)

Called whenever a new topic is added to the topic tree. :param topicObj: the Topic object for the message. :param description: docstring for the topic. :param required: list of message data names (keys in argsDocs) that are required. :param argsDocs: dictionary of all message data names, with the corresponding docstring.

notifySend(self, stage, topicObj, pubListener=None)

Called multiple times during a sendMessage: once before message sending has started (pre), once for each listener about to be sent the message, and once after all listeners have received the message (post). :param stage: ‘pre’, ‘post’, or ‘loop’. :param topicObj: the Topic object for the message. :param pubListener: None for pre and post stages; for loop, the listener

that is about to be sent the message.

notifySubscribe(self, pubListener, topicObj, newSub)

Called when a listener is subscribed to a topic. :param pubListener: the pubsub.core.Listener that wraps subscribed listener. :param topicObj: the pubsub.core.Topic object subscribed to. :param newSub: false if pubListener was already subscribed.

notifyUnsubscribe(self, pubListener, topicObj)

Called when a listener is unsubscribed from given topic. :param pubListener: the pubsub.core.Listener that wraps unsubscribed listener. :param topicObj: the pubsub.core.Topic object unsubscribed from.