phoenix_title wx.lib.masked.combobox.BaseMaskedComboBox

Base class for generic masked edit comboboxes; allows auto-complete of values. It is not meant to be instantiated directly, but rather serves as a base class for any subsequent refinements.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class BaseMaskedComboBox:

sub_classes Known Subclasses

wx.lib.masked.combobox.ComboBox, wx.lib.masked.combobox.PreMaskedComboBox

super_classes Known Superclasses

wx.ComboBox, wx.lib.masked.maskededit.MaskedEditMixin

method_summary Methods Summary


Default class constructor.


This base control function override is necessary so the control can keep


AppendItems is handled in terms


This base control function override is necessary so the derived control


This function redefines the externally accessible ComboBox.Cut


GetTextSelection() -> (from, to)


IsEmpty() -> bool



This function redefines the externally accessible ComboBox.Paste


This function redefines the externally accessible ComboBox.Refresh


Set the font, then recalculate control size, if appropriate.


Necessary override for bookkeeping on choice selection, to keep current


This function redefines the externally accessible ComboBox.SetValue


This function defines the undo operation for the control.

api Class API

class BaseMaskedComboBox(wx.ComboBox, MaskedEditMixin)

Base class for generic masked edit comboboxes; allows auto-complete of values. It is not meant to be instantiated directly, but rather serves as a base class for any subsequent refinements.


__init__(self, parent, id=-1, value = '', pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize, choices = [], style = wx.CB_DROPDOWN, validator = wx.DefaultValidator, name = "maskedComboBox", setupEventHandling = True, **kwargs)

Default class constructor.

  • parent (wx.Window) – the window parent. Must not be None;

  • id (integer) – window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value;

  • value (string) – value to be shown;

  • pos (tuple or wx.Point) – the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position, chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;

  • size – the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size, chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;

  • choices (list) – a list of valid choices;

  • style (integer) – the window style;

  • validator (wx.Validator) – this is mainly provided for data-transfer, as control does its own validation;

  • name (string) – the window name;

  • setupEventHandling (boolean) – setup event handling by default.

Append(self, choice, clientData=None)

This base control function override is necessary so the control can keep track of any additions to the list of choices, because ComboBox doesn’t have an accessor for the choice list. The code here is the same as in the SetParameters() mixin function, but is done for the individual value as appended, so the list can be built incrementally without speed penalty.

AppendItems(self, choices)

AppendItems is handled in terms of lib.masked.combobox.ComboBox.Append, to avoid code replication.


This base control function override is necessary so the derived control can keep track of any additions to the list of choices, because ComboBox doesn’t have an accessor for the choice list.


This function redefines the externally accessible ComboBox.Cut to be a smart “erase” of the text in question, so as not to corrupt the masked control.


This must be done in the class derived from the base wx control.


GetTextSelection() -> (from, to)

Gets the current selection span.

IsEmpty(*args, **kw)

IsEmpty() -> bool

Returns true if the control is empty or false if it has some items.

OnWindowDestroy(self, event)


This function redefines the externally accessible ComboBox.Paste to be a smart “paste” of the text in question, so as not to corrupt the masked control.


This must be done in the class derived from the base wx control.


This function redefines the externally accessible ComboBox.Refresh to validate the contents of the masked control as it refreshes.


This must be done in the class derived from the base wx control.

SetFont(self, *args, **kwargs)

Set the font, then recalculate control size, if appropriate.

see ComboBox.SetFont for valid arguments

SetSelection(self, index)

Necessary override for bookkeeping on choice selection, to keep current value current.


index (integer) – index to choice item to be set

SetValue(self, value)

This function redefines the externally accessible ComboBox.SetValue to be a smart “paste” of the text in question, so as not to corrupt the masked control.


This must be done in the class derived from the base wx control.


This function defines the undo operation for the control. (The default undo is 1-deep.)