phoenix_title wx.FontMapper

wx.FontMapper manages user-definable correspondence between logical font names and the fonts present on the machine.

The default implementations of all functions will ask the user if they are not capable of finding the answer themselves and store the answer in a config file (configurable via SetConfigXXX functions). This behaviour may be disabled by giving the value of False to “interactive” parameter.

However, the functions will always consult the config file to allow the user-defined values override the default logic and there is no way to disable this - which shouldn’t be ever needed because if “interactive” was never True, the config file is never created anyhow.

In case everything else fails (i.e. there is no record in config file and “interactive” is False or user denied to choose any replacement), the class queries EncodingConverter for “equivalent” encodings (e.g. iso8859-2 and cp1250) and tries them.

phoenix_title Using FontMapper in conjunction with MBConv classes

If you need to display text in encoding which is not available at host system (see wx.FontMapper.IsEncodingAvailable ), you may use these two classes to find font in some similar encoding (see wx.FontMapper.GetAltForEncoding ) and convert the text to this encoding (MBConv classes). Following code snippet demonstrates it:

if not wx.FontMapper.Get().IsEncodingAvailable(enc, facename):
    success, alt = wx.FontMapper.Get().GetAltForEncoding(enc, facename, False)
    if success:
        convFrom = wx.FontMapper.Get().GetEncodingName(enc)
        convTo   = wx.FontMapper.Get().GetEncodingName(alt)
        text = text.decode(convFrom).encode(convTo)

        # ...failure (or we may try iso8859-1/7bit ASCII)...

# ...display text...

See also

EncodingConverter , Writing Non-English Applications

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class FontMapper:

method_summary Methods Summary


Default constructor.


Returns the encoding for the given charset (in the form of RFC 2046) or FONTENCODING_SYSTEM if couldn’t decode it.


Get the current font mapper object.


Returns the array of all possible names for the given encoding. If it


Find an alternative for the given encoding (which is supposed to not be available on this system).


Returns the n-th supported encoding.


Return user-readable string describing the given encoding.


Return the encoding corresponding to the given internal name.


Return internal string identifier for the encoding (see also wx.FontMapper.GetEncodingDescription ).


Returns the number of the font encodings supported by this class.


Check whether given encoding is available in given face or not.


Set the current font mapper object and return previous one (may be None).


Set the root config path to use (should be an absolute path).


The parent window for modal dialogs.


The title for the dialogs (note that default is quite reasonable).

api Class API

class wx.FontMapper(object)

Possible constructors:


FontMapper manages user-definable correspondence between logical font names and the fonts present on the machine.



Default constructor.


The preferred way of creating a wx.FontMapper instance is to call wx.FontMapper.Get .

CharsetToEncoding(self, charset, interactive=True)

Returns the encoding for the given charset (in the form of RFC 2046) or FONTENCODING_SYSTEM if couldn’t decode it.

Be careful when using this function with interactive set to True (default value) as the function then may show a dialog box to the user which may lead to unexpected reentrancies and may also take a significantly longer time than a simple function call. For these reasons, it is almost always a bad idea to call this function from the event handlers for repeatedly generated events such as EVT_PAINT .

  • charset (string) –

  • interactive (bool) –

Return type:


static Get()

Get the current font mapper object.

If there is no current object, creates one.

Return type:


See also


static GetAllEncodingNames(encoding)

Returns the array of all possible names for the given encoding. If it isn’t empty, the first name in it is the canonical encoding name, i.e. the same string as returned by GetEncodingName()

Return type:

list of strings

GetAltForEncoding(self, encoding, facename="", interactive=True)

Find an alternative for the given encoding (which is supposed to not be available on this system).

If successful, return True and fill info structure with the parameters required to create the font, otherwise return False.

The first form is for wxWidgets’ internal use while the second one is better suitable for general use – it returns FontEncoding which can consequently be passed to wx.Font constructor.

  • encoding (FontEncoding) –

  • facename (string) –

  • interactive (bool) –

Return type:



( bool, alt_encoding )

static GetEncoding(n)

Returns the n-th supported encoding.

Together with GetSupportedEncodingsCount this method may be used to get all supported encodings.


n (int) –

Return type:


static GetEncodingDescription(encoding)

Return user-readable string describing the given encoding.


encoding (FontEncoding) –

Return type:


static GetEncodingFromName(encoding)

Return the encoding corresponding to the given internal name.

This function is the inverse of GetEncodingName and is intentionally less general than CharsetToEncoding , i.e. it doesn’t try to make any guesses nor ever asks the user. It is meant just as a way of restoring objects previously serialized using GetEncodingName .


encoding (string) –

Return type:


static GetEncodingName(encoding)

Return internal string identifier for the encoding (see also wx.FontMapper.GetEncodingDescription ).


encoding (FontEncoding) –

Return type:


static GetSupportedEncodingsCount()

Returns the number of the font encodings supported by this class.

Together with GetEncoding this method may be used to get all supported encodings.

Return type:


IsEncodingAvailable(self, encoding, facename="")

Check whether given encoding is available in given face or not.

If no facename is given, find any font in this encoding.

Return type:


static Set(mapper)

Set the current font mapper object and return previous one (may be None).

This method is only useful if you want to plug-in an alternative font mapper into wxWidgets.


mapper (wx.FontMapper) –

Return type:


See also


SetConfigPath(self, prefix)

Set the root config path to use (should be an absolute path).


prefix (string) –

SetDialogParent(self, parent)

The parent window for modal dialogs.


parent (wx.Window) –

SetDialogTitle(self, title)

The title for the dialogs (note that default is quite reasonable).


title (string) –