phoenix_title wx.AppConsole

This class is essential for writing console-only or hybrid apps without having to define USE_GUI=0 .

Note that it is not intended for this class to be used directly from Python. It is wrapped just for inheriting its methods in App.

It is used to:

  • set and get application-wide properties (see wx.AppConsole.CreateTraits and AppConsole.SetXXX functions)

  • implement the windowing system message or event loop: events in fact are supported even in console-mode applications (see wx.AppConsole.HandleEvent and wx.AppConsole.ProcessPendingEvents );

  • initiate application processing via wx.App.OnInit ;

  • allow default processing of events not handled by other objects in the application (see wx.AppConsole.FilterEvent )

  • implement Apple-specific event handlers (see AppConsole.MacXXX functions)

You should use the macro IMPLEMENT_APP in your application implementation file to tell wxWidgets how to create an instance of your application class.

Use DECLARE_APP in a header file if you want the wx.GetApp function (which returns a reference to your application object) to be visible to other files.

See also

App Overview, wx.App, wx.AppTraits, wx.EventLoopBase

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class AppConsole:

sub_classes Known Subclasses


method_summary Methods Summary


Deletes the pending events of all EvtHandlers of this application.


Call this to explicitly exit the main message (event) loop.


Overridden wx.EventFilter method.


Returns the user-readable application name.


Returns the application name.


Gets the class name of the application.


Returns the one and only global application object.


Returns the main event loop instance, i.e. the event loop which is started by OnRun and which dispatches all events sent from the native toolkit to the application (except when new event loops are temporarily set-up).


Returns a pointer to the wx.AppTraits object for the application.


Returns the user-readable vendor name.


Returns the application’s vendor name.


Returns True if there are pending events on the internal pending event list.


Returns True if the main event loop is currently running, i.e. if the application is inside OnRun .


Check if the object had been scheduled for destruction with ScheduleForDestruction .


Called by wxWidgets on creation of the application.


Called by wx.EventLoopBase.SetActive : you can override this function and put here the code which needs an active event loop.


Called by wx.EventLoopBase.OnExit for each event loop which is exited.


Override this member function for any processing which needs to be done as the application is about to exit.


This must be provided by the application, and will usually create the application’s main window, optionally calling SetTopWindow().


This virtual function is where the execution of a program written in wxWidgets starts.


Process all pending events; it is necessary to call this function to process events posted with wx.EvtHandler.QueueEvent or wx.EvtHandler.AddPendingEvent .


Resume processing of the pending events previously stopped because of a call to SuspendProcessingOfPendingEvents .


Delayed objects destruction.


Set the application name to be used in the user-visible places such as window titles.


Sets the name of the application.


Sets the C locale to the default locale for the current environment.


Sets the class name of the application.


Allows external code to modify global wx.TheApp , but you should really know what you’re doing if you call it.


Set the vendor name to be used in the user-visible places.


Sets the name of application’s vendor.


Temporary suspends processing of the pending events.


Returns True if the application is using an event loop.


Yields control to pending messages in the event loop.

property_summary Properties Summary


See GetAppDisplayName and SetAppDisplayName


See GetAppName and SetAppName


See GetClassName and SetClassName


See GetTraits


See GetVendorDisplayName and SetVendorDisplayName


See GetVendorName and SetVendorName

api Class API

class wx.AppConsole(EvtHandler, EventFilter)

This class is essential for writing console-only or hybrid apps without having to define USE_GUI=0.



Deletes the pending events of all EvtHandlers of this application.

See wx.EvtHandler.DeletePendingEvents for warnings about deleting the pending events.


Call this to explicitly exit the main message (event) loop.

You should normally exit the main loop (and the application) by deleting the top window.

This function simply calls EvtLoopBase.Exit() on the active loop.

FilterEvent(self, event)

Overridden wx.EventFilter method.

This function is called before processing any event and allows the application to preempt the processing of some events, see wx.EventFilter documentation for more information.

wx.App implementation of this method always return -1 indicating that the event should be processed normally.


event (wx.Event) –

Return type:



Returns the user-readable application name.

The difference between this string and the one returned by GetAppName is that this one is meant to be shown to the user and so should be used for the window titles, page headers and so on while the other one should be only used internally, e.g. for the file names or configuration file keys.

If the application name for display had been previously set by SetAppDisplayName , it will be returned by this function. Otherwise, if SetAppName had been called its value will be returned; also as is. Finally if none was called, this function returns the program name capitalized using String.Capitalize .

Return type:


New in version 2.9.0.


Returns the application name.

If SetAppName had been called, returns the string passed to it. Otherwise returns the program name, i.e. the value of argv [0] passed to the main() function.

Return type:



Gets the class name of the application.

The class name may be used in a platform specific manner to refer to the application.

Return type:


See also


static GetInstance()

Returns the one and only global application object.

Usually wx.TheApp is used instead.

Return type:


See also

SetInstance , wx.App.GetGUIInstance


Returns the main event loop instance, i.e. the event loop which is started by OnRun and which dispatches all events sent from the native toolkit to the application (except when new event loops are temporarily set-up).

The returned value maybe None. Put initialization code which needs a not None main event loop into OnEventLoopEnter .

Return type:



Returns a pointer to the wx.AppTraits object for the application.

If you want to customize the wx.AppTraits object, you must override the CreateTraits function.

Return type:



Returns the user-readable vendor name.

The difference between this string and the one returned by GetVendorName is that this one is meant to be shown to the user and so should be used for the window titles, page headers and so on while the other one should be only used internally, e.g. for the file names or configuration file keys.

By default, returns the same string as GetVendorName .

Return type:


New in version 2.9.0.


Returns the application’s vendor name.

Return type:



Returns True if there are pending events on the internal pending event list.

Whenever wx.EvtHandler.QueueEvent or wx.EvtHandler.AddPendingEvent are called (not only for wx.App itself, but for any event handler of the application!), the internal wx.App’s list of handlers with pending events is updated and this function will return True.

Return type:


static IsMainLoopRunning()

Returns True if the main event loop is currently running, i.e. if the application is inside OnRun .

This can be useful to test whether events can be dispatched. For example, if this function returns False, non-blocking sockets cannot be used because the events from them would never be processed.

Return type:


IsScheduledForDestruction(self, object)

Check if the object had been scheduled for destruction with ScheduleForDestruction .

This function may be useful as an optimization to avoid doing something with an object which will be soon destroyed in any case.


object (wx.Object) –

Return type:



Called by wxWidgets on creation of the application.

Override this if you wish to provide your own (environment-dependent) main loop.

Return type:



0 under X, and the wParam of the WM_QUIT message under Windows.

OnEventLoopEnter(self, loop)

Called by wx.EventLoopBase.SetActive : you can override this function and put here the code which needs an active event loop.

Note that this function is called whenever an event loop is activated; you may want to use wx.EventLoopBase.IsMain to perform initialization specific for the app’s main event loop.


loop (wx.EventLoopBase) –

See also


OnEventLoopExit(self, loop)

Called by wx.EventLoopBase.OnExit for each event loop which is exited.


loop (wx.EventLoopBase) –

See also



Override this member function for any processing which needs to be done as the application is about to exit.

OnExit is called after destroying all application windows and controls, but before wxWidgets cleanup. Note that it is not called at all if OnInit failed.

The return value of this function is currently ignored, return the same value as returned by the base class method if you override it.

Return type:



This must be provided by the application, and will usually create the application’s main window, optionally calling SetTopWindow().

You may use OnExit to clean up anything initialized here, provided that the function returns True.

Notice that if you want to use the command line processing provided by wxWidgets you have to call the base class version in the derived class OnInit .

Return True to continue processing, False to exit the application immediately.

Return type:



This virtual function is where the execution of a program written in wxWidgets starts.

The default implementation just enters the main loop and starts handling the events until it terminates, either because ExitMainLoop has been explicitly called or because the last frame has been deleted and GetExitOnFrameDelete() flag is True (this is the default).

The return value of this function becomes the exit code of the program, so it should return 0 in case of successful termination.

Return type:



Process all pending events; it is necessary to call this function to process events posted with wx.EvtHandler.QueueEvent or wx.EvtHandler.AddPendingEvent .

This happens during each event loop iteration (see wx.EventLoopBase) in GUI mode but it may be also called directly.

Note that this function does not only process the pending events for the wx.App object itself (which derives from wx.EvtHandler) but also the pending events for any event handler of this application.

This function will immediately return and do nothing if SuspendProcessingOfPendingEvents was called.


Resume processing of the pending events previously stopped because of a call to SuspendProcessingOfPendingEvents .

ScheduleForDestruction(self, object)

Delayed objects destruction.

In applications using events it may be unsafe for an event handler to delete the object which generated the event because more events may be still pending for the same object. In this case the handler may call ScheduleForDestruction instead. Schedule the object for destruction in the near future.

Notice that if the application is not using an event loop, i.e. if UsesEventLoop returns False, this method will simply delete the object immediately.

Examples of using this function inside wxWidgets itself include deleting the top level windows when they are closed and sockets when they are disconnected.


object (wx.Object) –

SetAppDisplayName(self, name)

Set the application name to be used in the user-visible places such as window titles.

See GetAppDisplayName for more about the differences between the display name and name.

Notice that if this function is called, the name is used as is, without any capitalization as done by default by GetAppDisplayName .


name (string) –

SetAppName(self, name)

Sets the name of the application.

This name should be used for file names, configuration file entries and other internal strings. For the user-visible strings, such as the window titles, the application display name set by SetAppDisplayName is used instead.

By default the application name is set to the name of its executable file.


name (string) –

See also



Sets the C locale to the default locale for the current environment.

It is advised to call this to ensure that the underlying toolkit uses the locale in which the numbers and monetary amounts are shown in the format expected by user and so on.

Calling this function is roughly equivalent to calling

setlocale(LC_ALL, "")

but performs additional toolkit-specific tasks under some platforms and so should be used instead of setlocale() itself. Alternatively, you can use wx.Locale to change the locale with more control.

Notice that this does not change the global C++ locale, you need to do it explicitly if you want, e.g.

but be warned that locale support in C++ standard library can be poor or worse under some platforms.

New in version 2.9.5.

SetClassName(self, name)

Sets the class name of the application.

This may be used in a platform specific manner to refer to the application.


name (string) –

See also


static SetInstance(app)

Allows external code to modify global wx.TheApp , but you should really know what you’re doing if you call it.


app (wx.AppConsole) – Replacement for the global application object.

See also


SetVendorDisplayName(self, name)

Set the vendor name to be used in the user-visible places.

See GetVendorDisplayName for more about the differences between the display name and name.


name (string) –

SetVendorName(self, name)

Sets the name of application’s vendor.

The name will be used in registry access. A default name is set by wxWidgets.


name (string) –

See also



Temporary suspends processing of the pending events.


Returns True if the application is using an event loop.

This function always returns True for the GUI applications which must use an event loop but by default only returns True for the console programs if an event loop is already running as it can’t know whether one will be created in the future.

Thus, it only makes sense to override it in console applications which do use an event loop, to return True instead of checking if there is a currently active event loop.

Return type:


Yield(self, onlyIfNeeded=False)

Yields control to pending messages in the event loop.

This method is a convenient wrapper for EvtLoopBase.Yield(). If the main loop is currently running, it calls this method on it. Otherwise it creates a temporary event loop and uses it instead, which can be useful to process pending messages during the program startup, before the main loop is created.

Use extreme caution when calling this function as, just as EvtLoopBase.Yield(), it can result in unexpected reentrances.


onlyIfNeeded (bool) –

Return type:




See GetAppDisplayName and SetAppDisplayName


See GetAppName and SetAppName


See GetClassName and SetClassName


See GetTraits


See GetVendorDisplayName and SetVendorDisplayName


See GetVendorName and SetVendorName