Contains representations of the same bitmap in different resolutions.
This class generalizes wx.Bitmap for applications supporting multiple DPIs and allows to operate with multiple versions of the same bitmap, in the sizes appropriate to the currently used display resolution, as a single unit. Notably, an entire wx.BitmapBundle can be passed to functions such as wx.ToolBar.AddTool
to allow toolbar to select the best available bitmap to be shown.
Objects of this class are typically created by the application and then passed to wxWidgets functions, but not used by the application itself. Currently bitmap bundles can be created from: wx.BitmapBundle class have value-like semantics, i.e. they can be copied around freely (and cheaply) and don’t need to be allocated on the heap. However they usually are created using static factory functions (known as “pseudo-constructors”) such as FromBitmaps
instead of using the real constructors.
Example of using this class to initialize a toolbar in a frame constructor:
# In __init__ for a wx.Frame
toolBar = self.CreateToolBar()
bitmaps = [ wx.Bitmap('open_32x32.png'),
wx.Bitmap('open_32x32.png') ]
toolBar.AddTool(wx.ID_OPEN, wx.BitmapBundle.FromBitmaps(bitmaps))
The code shown above will use 32 pixel bitmap in normal DPI
, 64 pixel bitmap in “high DPI
”, i.e. pixel-doubling or 200% resolution, and 48 pixel bitmap in 150% resolution. For all the other resolutions, the bitmap with the “best” matching size will be used, where “best” is deemed to be the bitmap with the closest size if it can be used without scaling (so that in this example the 64px bitmap will be used at 175% resolution because it typically looks much better than either downscaling it or upscaling the 48px bitmap to 56px) or, if there is no bitmap with close enough size, a bitmap upscaled by an integer scaling factor is used. Note that custom bitmap bundles can use a different algorithm for selecting the best match by overriding wx.BitmapBundleImpl.GetPreferredBitmapSizeAtScale
Of course, this code relies on actually having the resources with the corresponding names (i.e. open_NxN
) in MSW .rc file or Mac application bundle and open_NxN_png
arrays being defined in the program code, e.g. by including a file generated with bin2c
), on the other platforms.
For the platforms with resources support, you can also create the bundle from the bitmaps defined in the resources, which has the advantage of not having to explicitly list all the bitmaps, e.g. the code above becomes
# RC resources are not supported in wxPython
and will load all resources called open
, open_2x
, open_1_5x
etc (at least the first one of them must be available). See also BITMAP_BUNDLE_2
macro which can avoid the need to check for HAS_IMAGE_RESOURCES
explicitly in the code in a common case of having only 2 embedded resources (for standard and high DPI
). See also FromSVGResource
Also note that the existing code using wx.Bitmap is compatible with the functions taking wx.BitmapBundle in wxWidgets 3.1.6 and later because bitmaps are implicitly convertible to the objects of this class, so just passing wx.Bitmap to the functions taking wx.BitmapBundle continues to work and if high resolution versions of bitmap are not (yet) available for the other toolbar tools, single bitmaps can continue to be used instead.
Added in version 4.1/wxWidgets-3.1.6.
Default constructor constructs an empty bundle. |
Clear the existing bundle contents. |
Create a bundle from a single bitmap. |
Create a bundle from the given collection of bitmaps. |
Create a bundle from bitmaps stored as files. |
Create a bundle from an icon bundle. |
Create a bundle from a single image. |
Create a bundle from a custom bitmap bundle implementation. |
Create a bundle from the bitmaps in the application resources. |
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. |
Create a bundle from the |
Create a bundle from the |
Get bitmap of the specified size, creating a new bitmap from the closest available size by rescaling it if necessary. |
Get bitmap of the size appropriate for the |
Get the size of the bitmap represented by this bundle in default resolution or, equivalently, at 100% scaling. |
Get icon of the specified size. |
Get icon of the size appropriate for the |
Get the size that would be best to use for this bundle at the given |
Get the size that would be best to use for this bundle at the |
Get the size that would be best to use for this bundle at the |
Check if bitmap bundle is non-empty. |
Check if the two bundles refer to the same object. |
See |
Possible constructors:
BitmapBundle() -> None
BitmapBundle(bitmap) -> None
BitmapBundle(icon) -> None
BitmapBundle(image) -> None
BitmapBundle(other) -> None
Contains representations of the same bitmap in different resolutions.
__init__ (self)
Default constructor constructs an empty bundle.
An empty bundle can’t be used for anything, but can be assigned something else later.
__init__ (self, bitmap)
Conversion constructor from a single bitmap.
This constructor does the same thing as FromBitmap
and only exists for interoperability with the existing code using wx.Bitmap.
bitmap (wx.Bitmap)
__init__ (self, icon)
Conversion constructor from a single icon.
This constructor does the same thing as FromBitmap
and only exists for interoperability with the existing code using wx.Icon.
icon (wx.Icon)
__init__ (self, image)
Conversion constructor from a single image.
Similarly to the constructor from wx.Bitmap, this constructor only exists for interoperability with the existing code using wx.Image and can be replaced with more readable FromImage
in the new code.
image (wx.Image)
__init__ (self, other)
Copy constructor creates a copy of another bundle.
other (wx.BitmapBundle)
Clear the existing bundle contents.
After calling this function IsOk
returns False
This is the same as assigning a default-constructed bitmap bundle to this object but slightly more explicit.
Added in version 4.1/wxWidgets-3.1.7.
Create a bundle from a single bitmap.
This is only useful for compatibility with the existing code using wx.Bitmap.
If bitmap is invalid, empty bundle is returned.
bitmap (wx.Bitmap)
FromBitmaps (bitmaps)
Create a bundle from the given collection of bitmaps.
If the bitmaps vector is empty, an invalid, empty bundle is returned, otherwise initialize the bundle with all the bitmaps in this vector which must be themselves valid.
bitmaps (Vector)
FromBitmaps (bitmap1, bitmap2)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
FromFiles (path, filename, extension=”png”)
Create a bundle from bitmaps stored as files.
Looking in path for files using filename as prefix and potentionally a suffix with scale, e.g. “_2x” or “@2x”
path (string) – Path of the directory containing the files
filename (string) – Bitmap’s filename without any scale suffix
extension (string) – File extension, without leading dot ( png
by default)
FromFiles (fullpathname)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
fullpathname (string)
Create a bundle from an icon bundle.
If iconBundle is invalid or empty, empty bundle is returned.
iconBundle (wx.IconBundle)
Added in version 4.1/wxWidgets-3.1.7.
Create a bundle from a single image.
This is only useful for compatibility with the existing code using wx.Image.
If image is invalid, empty bundle is returned.
image (wx.Image)
Create a bundle from a custom bitmap bundle implementation.
This function can be used to create bundles implementing custom logic for creating the bitmaps, e.g. creating them on the fly rather than using predefined bitmaps.
See wx.BitmapBundleImpl.
impl (wx.BitmapBundleImpl) – A valid, i.e. non-null, pointer. This function takes ownership of it, so the caller must not call DecRef() on it.
Create a bundle from the bitmaps in the application resources.
This function can only be used on the platforms supporting storing bitmaps in resources, and currently only works under MSW and MacOS and returns an empty bundle on the other platforms.
Under MSW, for this function to create a valid bundle, you must have RCDATA
resource with the given name in your application resource file (with the extension name as prefix and suffix with the scale, e.g. “_2x” or “_1_5x” (for 150% DPI
) will be also loaded as part of the bundle.
name (string)
See also
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
FromSVG (data, sizeDef)
data (int)
sizeDef (wx.Size)
FromSVG (data, len, sizeDef)
data (wx.Byte)
len (int)
sizeDef (wx.Size)
Create a bundle from the SVG
image loaded from the given file.
This function loads the SVG
data from the given path and calls FromSVG
with it. As it is just a wrapper for FromSVG
, please see that function documentation for more information about SVG
path (string) – Path to the SVG
file. Notice that it should a local file, not an URL.
sizeDef (wx.Size) – The default size to return from GetDefaultSize
for this bundle.
Create a bundle from the SVG
image loaded from an application resource.
Available only on the platforms supporting images in resources, i.e., MSW and MacOS.
name (string) – On MSW, it must be a resource with RT_RCDATA
type. On MacOS, it must be a file with an extension “svg” placed in the “Resources” subdirectory of the application bundle.
sizeDef (wx.Size) – The default size to return from GetDefaultSize
for this bundle.
See also
Get bitmap of the specified size, creating a new bitmap from the closest available size by rescaling it if necessary.
This function is mostly used by wxWidgets itself and not the application. As all bitmaps created by it dynamically are currently cached, avoid calling it for many different sizes if you do use it, as this will create many bitmaps that will never be deleted and will consume resources until the application termination.
Get bitmap of the size appropriate for the DPI
scaling used by the given window.
This helper function simply combines GetPreferredBitmapSizeFor
and GetBitmap
, i.e. it returns a (normally unscaled) bitmap from the bundle of the closest size to the size that should be used at the DPI
scaling of the provided window.
Get the size of the bitmap represented by this bundle in default resolution or, equivalently, at 100% scaling.
When creating the bundle from a number of bitmaps, this will be just the size of the smallest bitmap in it.
Note that this function is mostly used by wxWidgets itself and not the application.
Get icon of the specified size.
This is just a convenient wrapper for GetBitmap
and simply converts the returned bitmap to wx.Icon.
Get icon of the size appropriate for the DPI
scaling used by the given window.
This is similar to GetBitmapFor
, but returns a wx.Icon, as GetIcon
Get the size that would be best to use for this bundle at the given DPI
scaling factor.
For bundles containing some number of the fixed-size bitmaps, this function returns the size of an existing bitmap closest to the ideal size at the given scale, i.e. GetDefaultSize
multiplied by scale.
Passing a size returned by this function to GetBitmap
ensures that bitmap doesn’t need to be rescaled, which typically significantly lowers its quality.
scale (float)
Get the size that would be best to use for this bundle at the DPI
scaling factor used by the given window.
This is just a convenient wrapper for GetPreferredBitmapSizeAtScale
calling that function with the result of wx.Window.GetDPIScaleFactor
Get the size that would be best to use for this bundle at the DPI
scaling factor used by the given window in logical size.
This is just call GetPreferredBitmapSizeAtScale
with the result of wx.Window.GetDPIScaleFactor
and convert returned value with wx.Window.FromPhys
Check if bitmap bundle is non-empty.
Return True
if the bundle contains any bitmaps or False
if it is empty.
Check if the two bundles refer to the same object.
Bundles are considered to be same only if they actually use the same underlying object, i.e. are copies of each other. If the two bundles were independently constructed, they’re not considered to be the same, even if they were created from the same bitmap.
other (wx.BitmapBundle)
See GetDefaultSize