.. wxPython Phoenix documentation

   This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated
   tools, do not edit by hand.

   Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software
   License:   wxWindows License

.. include:: headings.inc

.. module:: wx.tools.dbg

.. currentmodule:: wx.tools.dbg

.. highlight:: python

.. _wx.tools.dbg:

|phoenix_title|  **wx.tools.dbg**

This module provides a useful debugging framework that supports
showing nesting of function calls and allows a program to contain
lots of debugging print statements that can easily be turned on
or off to debug the code.  It also supports the ability to
have each function indent the debugging statements contained
within it, including those of any other function called within
its scope, thus allowing you to see in what order functions are
being called, and from where.

This capability is particularly useful in wxPython applications,
where exactly events occur that cause functions to be called is
not entirely clear, and because wxPython programs can't be run
from inside other debugging environments that have their own
message loops.

This module defines a Logger class, responsible for managing
debugging output.  Each Logger instance can be given a name
at construction; if this is done, '<name>:' will precede each
logging output made by that Logger instance.

The log() function this class provides takes a set of positional
arguments that are printed in order if debugging is enabled
(just like print does), followed by a set of keyword arguments
that control the behavior of the log() function itself on subsequent
calls.  The current keyword arguments are:

    When set to a value of 1, this increments the current
    indentation level, causing all subsequent dbg() outputs to be
    indented by 3 more spaces.  When set to a value of 0,
    this process is reversed, causing the indent to decrease by
    3 spaces.  The default indentation level is 0.

    When set to a value of 1, this turns on dbg() output for
    for program importing this module, until told to do otherwise.
    When set to a value of 0, dbg output is turned off.  (dbg
    output is off by default.)

    When set to a value of 1, this increments the current
    "suspension" level.  This makes it possible for a function
    to temporarily suspend its and any of its dependents'
    potential outputs that use the same Logger instance.
    When set to a value of 0, the suspension level is
    decremented.  When the value goes back to 0, potential
    logging is resumed (actual output depends on the
    "enable" status of the Logger instance in question.)

    When set to a value of 1, the output will be sent to the
    active wxLog target.

    When set to a non-None value, the current output stream
    (default of sys.stdout) is pushed onto a stack of streams,
    and is replaced in the dbg system with the specified stream.
    When called with a value of None, the previous stream will
    be restored (if stacked.)  If set to None without previously
    changing it will result in no action being taken.

You can also call the log function implicitly on the Logger
instance, ie. you can type::

    from wx.tools.dbg import Logger
    dbg = Logger()
    dbg('something to print')

Using this fairly simple mechanism, it is possible to get fairly
useful debugging output in a program.  Consider the following
code example:

>>> d = {1:'a', 2:'dictionary', 3:'of', 4:'words'}
>>> dbg = dbg.Logger('module')
>>> dbg(enable=1)
module: dbg enabled
>>> def foo(d):
...     dbg('foo', indent=1)
...     bar(d)
...     dbg('end of foo', indent=0)
>>> def bar(d):
...     dbg('bar', indent=1)
...     dbg('contents of d:', indent=1)
...     l = d.items()
...     l.sort()
...     for key, value in l:
...         dbg('%d =' % key, value)
...     dbg(indent=0)
...     dbg('end of bar', indent=0)
>>> foo(d)
module: foo
   module: bar
      module: contents of d:
         module: 1 = a
         module: 2 = dictionary
         module: 3 = of
         module: 4 = words
      module: end of bar
   module: end of foo

|class_summary| Classes Summary

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.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1
